My kids holding/touching a chicken for the first time.


In the Brooder
9 Years
Feb 9, 2010
My husband caught one of the chooks to make me have a hold, i've been a bit 'chicken'. I didn't get any photos of that though.
Then the kids had a go. My daughter was very game, my oldest boy was scared but agreed to pat, and the youngest was game until the last moment, then got abit scared and would only pat.





Wow they did a fantastic job!

i have 2 young kids,, they always want to hold the chickens, but i have my 2 toddlers sit on my lap then i hold the chicken,, so they arent sort of holding the chicken. but hey i am talking 2 year and 4 year! they might squish and hug too hard.

thanks for sharing your photos!
Too cute, teach them everything possoible about ways to enjoy the simple pleasures of life. I was tickled to teach my husband about holding week old chicks and how to care for the babies. He did really well!
Thanks so much for posting your family/chicken photos!! Very nice moments to have recorded with pictures. Someday you'll be looking back and remembering when they were so little and thinking of the fun you had together with the chicks!
WOW, shorts, tees, barefoot, something GREEN --I am jealous!

Your kds are adorable! Glad that you are venturing into chickens...

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