My new coop/run - in PA


In the Brooder
Sep 14, 2023
So I finally moved our 8 Black Australorp chickens into their new coop/run. Not sure who is more excited - me or our dog Bonnie. She loves her 'chicks'. She has been there every day to 'help' feed them and get them water since they day they arrived 11 weeks ago.
Coop was built using crates/pallets from work, leftover rough cut lumber, a patio roof that was ripped down years ago, windows that our neighbors threw away, and steel sheeting out of a dumpster from work. Slap some paint on it, and there you have it. Wish me luck.
We have been piecing coops together as our flock grows. Ours are free range , except the Cemani, though it can be tough to get the chicks to transition from chickhood home to their adult home.
Looks like you’ve done a great job making your Ladies a good home.

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