My new rooster Freddy


Jan 7, 2016
He wondered into my yard two weeks ago.....he's docile..will come I need a hen for him to stay....I have love him and want him happy...I have room for another chicken but don't want the responsibility of baby
A rooster doesn't require hens, but they are happier that way, are you talking about bringing him into a room in your house.
Show us some pictures!
Chickens are flock animals, he might get lonely by himself.
You won't have baby chickens unless you incubate the eggs yourself or let a broody hen hatch them for you.
I have been letting him sleep inside in foul weather at night but in General I'm building a coop.....I have a large yard and he stays right by the house ALWAYS...and I want to post a pic but my phone won't let me....he looks ALOT like oldhenslikedogs pic
He's a frizzle Cochin? That would be a very nice rooster, most are very nice with their hens, either bantam or large breeds.
Honest opinion??????I have a decent yard but I'm not a farmer....Will 2 chickens be ALOT more work than one.....other than checking for eggs obviously and do you think they will wander farther now there are 2 chickens
I really enjoy FREDDY just trying to figure out how to make him happy and me not overwelmed.....remember he just showed up and stayed lol.....I want him to stay is my end game...I will not fence him fyi
Two chickens are easier because they will keep each other company so you don't have to as much. Mine have 40 acres to wander, they usually don't leave the yard, chickens will mostly stay around the coop as long as they are fed and watered.
So 2 Roosters or 1 hen 1 rooster I hear boosters can be hard on hens .....he's very nice to us and our aggression but we aren't a FEMALE chicken lol so IDK???????

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