My "pet" Vulture


Premium Feather Member
Jun 10, 2024
About a year ago, a young vulture fell through the top of my chicken run while I was off to the hardware store getting material to replace the wiring. It was a very polite bird, just sat there while the chickens huddled in one corner away from it. When I got home, I managed to get in the cage with it and opened the door to let it out. Surprisingly, the vulture remained perfectly calm and hopped through the door without any chickens also escaping.

This next part is going to seem unbelievable. If I hadn't seen it happen, I wouldn't believe it either. About a week after this, I was home watching TV, and I heard noise on the back porch. A clattering noise. I went to see what was going on, and a vulture was dragging some kind of skeleton on the porch. It dropped the skeleton, scooped up a beakful of cat food, and flew off. I've always imagined it was my vulture pal, saying "thanks". I was probably unjustifiably nervous about throwing the present of a vulture away in front of it (did that to a cat once, she never brought me a giant worm ever again), so I ended up taking it to the garage. It was almost perfectly cleaned off, so the vulture may just have lost interest in it and taken the cat food instead. Who knows.

Anyhow, I noticed a vulture start hanging out next to the chickens frequently. I had some black odd looking mixed, so he could have possibly thought they were other vultures? Maybe he fell in love with one of the hens? I can't explain the behavior. But I am pretty sure it was the same bird every time. The first few times I checked for dead animals around the cage, but found none. Nothing to draw the vulture over. A flock of them did used to hang out in a huge dying tree in my front yard before I had to have it removed, but this vulture never seemed to hang out with them. He was always alone, when other times there would be small groups of two or three. He also developed the habit of hopping towards me a couple of vulture lengths when he saw me. Which I was not all that comfortable with. Quoth the vulture "never more"?

I did get more used to him, and we had lovely conversations some mornings when I was feeding the chickens. If I didn't talk to him, it rather creeped me out having him hang around. I haven't seen my "pet" vulture in awhile, and assumed he either integrated with his flock or moved on. Maybe he was raising a vulture family of his own, having been turned down by my ladies. This morning, he was back! Sitting on top of the cage like he used to do. Only, he was right next to my fake owl that I move around to try to discourage predators. It does *such* a good job...
I have never had one do this before, either. Most of the others either didn't care about me being near them, or they flew off when I approached near.
I have never had one do this before, either. Most of the others either didn't care about me being near them, or they flew off when I approached near.

Keep us posted on how this progresses!

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