My pheasant is tilting its head and flipping over!!!


In the Brooder
Feb 21, 2024
My red golden pheasants was doing good but is now flipping around and tucking its head into its body she eats and drinks but is moving her head weirdly what should I do!!
Can you post pics of the bird, it's living area?
Chicken feed is not adequate for gamebirds....a complete and balanced gamebird feed of at least 24% protein should be given.

Not 100% sure but it sounds as though it may have Ergot poisoning?
Could tell more if a video or good photos were posted.
Can you post pics of the bird, it's living area?
Chicken feed is not adequate for gamebirds....a complete and balanced gamebird feed of at least 24% protein should be given.

Not 100% sure but it sounds as though it may have Ergot poisoning?
Could tell more if a video or good photos were posted.


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I currently have separated her into a quarantine pen It could be the feed but I'm just not sure since she keeps tucking her head under herself closing her eyes and then flipping over if I tap her she will get up and move somewhat normally but then will do the wierd movement again she didn't hit her head or neck so I'm co fused as to why she is doing this

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