Mycoplasma what to do

Ivermectin does not treat MG. Erythromycin has been used in the past to treat it, but most antibiotics have egg withdrawal times. Can you tell her eggs apart from the others? Do not give it to anyone except the hen with symptoms if you use it.
Ok, she is not laying right now and i can’t usually tell her eggs apart as they are light brown like most of the others so I won’t use any meds that have egg withdrawal times. And I’ll do my best until the tylosin comes
Her attitude has improved and her poop is now normal instead of liquidy she just still has bubbly eyes but it’s a lot better that it was
Noeta (the sick hen) is doing very good, I got home and saw that her eyes are both open and not bubbly and she’s eating and drinking. I did hear her sneeze so I’ll keep her separated another day to make sure she’s good but she’s getting better and has almost her normal energy back

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