My 2 yo ameraucana just passed away. She had been very vocal today, but acted normally otherwise. She has been looking rather large lately, but she just completed a molt and I assumed she was just extra fluffy. Tonight when I came home around 530, I found her trying to sleep in a nesting box. I knew something was up so I brought her in. Her crop felt full, but not hard. They do usually eat right before bed. She was lethargic and held her mouth open to breath. I tried giving her probiotics and a scrambled egg. She was not interested but I did get some acv and water down her. Maybe this was a bad idea? She weezed afterwards for a while but I let her rest. About 2 hours later I could hear loud gurgling. The bottom of the kennel was soaked w a clear fluid. I tried to comfort her but she had a seizure and died. She then had a thick yellowish discharge from her eyes and beak. What happened? Is she contagious? Is there something poisonous in my yard?