Mystery Bobwhite Mutation


May 17, 2018
I said I'd give an update on these guys once they were adults. They're quite a unique mutation indeed! The adults are solid black/dark brown with the males having white faces. The coolest part is, they have curly feathers. Even their tails are curly. Has anyone else ever seen a bobwhite like this? I'm planning on keeping back a small breeding stock because I love how they look.



Look like Tennessee Reds to me, maybe a cross between them and a normally colored Bobwhite. Although, I don't think that's the case, I'm pretty sure their TR's. The curly feathers are usually result of a lack in protien or overcrowding. They may out grow the curly feathers with the next molt.
You'd think, but I also have normal coloured bobwhites and the curly feathers are unique to this colour mutation. They're on 26% protein and two to an enclosure so I doubt that's the issue.
Ok, I have some pheasants that have curly feathers like your quail do but they grow out of it...eventhough they get the same feed as all my birds. Only a few will have curly feathers and the rest don' maybe it has something to do with their digestive tract, not absorbing the nutrients needed, Idk. Just another thing to consider with all things being equal.
ETA Also have some Bob's that have curly feathers until they molt.
Actually the feathers have been getting curlier after their adult moult. They’re 4 months old now.

Here’s a female one when she was younger. My females all have completely white bellies and white primaries.

View attachment 1573937
I like the female coloring.
Awesome birds. Never seen or heard of anything like it. And actually, who cares what they are. They are not a normal mutation for sure, so some crossing of their ancestors. I`ve looked alot, but can`t find anything close to it. However, the red color is from the Tennesse Red and the White stripes on their head is from normal bobs. Good luck with them, and hope you can breed a lot of similar ones. And if you do, you know my address....:):):)

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