Mystery chick 1 week old


6 Years
Jan 15, 2014
Juneau, AK
Through a group order i think some of our chicks got mixed up... So I was supposed to get 2 buff orps and 1 red sex link and I have three different breeds. Any ideas? Here are pics of all three light colored chicks. I'm pretty confident that the red one is my sex link, and one of the others is my buff but have no clue on the other. From what I gathered the other person got red silkies and polish but I'm doubting it those. Thanks for your help! I know as time goes on it'll probably be more clear but my curiosity is getting the better of me

This is honey (my daughter already named most of them) (grey legs)

This is Buttercup (orange legs)

This is peep (red)

And a couple extra pics of them together

ETA ok now I have no clue of anything lol. Here are my others. Here is what I thought I was getting.
2 buff Orpington
2 Dominique
1 australorp
2 Easter eggers
1 red sex link

So I have the three light ones up there and these 5 darker ones

I have two of these previously thought to be Easter eggers but now unsure

These two guessing Dominique

And this one- australorpe?

Thanks again! I don't really care I wanted a mixed flock just curious what these little ones really are.

Editing again answered my own question now that honey is the Easter egger the two brown ones are likely polish right? They look like the pics. That means I'm missing two of the ones I wanted and got two straight run bantams... Really hoping for hens since we can't have Roos here
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Well, Honey is an Easter Egger and Peep is some sort of Production mix ( like a Production Red, Cherry Egger, etc..). Buttercup is your Buff Orpington, though the red patch on her head is putting me off a bit (but sometimes chicks that come from hatcheries will not have coloring true to their breed), it will probably disappear with age. Hope this helps! :)
Well, Honey is an Easter Egger and Peep is some sort of Production mix ( like a Production Red, Cherry Egger, etc..). Buttercup is your Buff Orpington, though the red patch on her head is putting me off a bit (but sometimes chicks that come from hatcheries will not have coloring true to their breed), it will probably disappear with age. Hope this helps! :)

Really? Honey's an Easter egger? I thought the brown/black ones I have we're Easter eggers. Hm... Maybe I'll need some pics of them too lol
I agree, honey is an easter egger with the darker legs and puffy cheeks and buttercup is a buff but my buffs didn't have that red patch on their heads?? I got mine from Murray McMurray.
I agree, honey is an easter egger with the darker legs and puffy cheeks and buttercup is a buff but my buffs didn't have that red patch on their heads?? I got mine from Murray McMurray.

The red patch I think is marker. It looks like the hatchery marked them at some point. A lot of the chicks have different colored markings on heads
Yep, the barred chicks are most likely Dominique's you ordered (you can check their combs just to be sure) and the two brown colored chicks are Golden Laced Polish. By the way, where did you get them from?
Yep, the barred chicks are most likely Dominique's you ordered (you can check their combs just to be sure) and the two brown colored chicks are Golden Laced Polish. By the way, where did you get them from?

Thanks! Just the verification I needed! I wouldn't mind the variety at all if they hadn't been straight run and unfortunately the other woman who ordered chicks (others got turkeys) had to have her's sent off on a private plane because she lives in an outlying village so no easy switch back. We ordered from Ideal. I was very impressed they shipped on Wednesday and arrived Thursday morning... Texas to Alaska pretty impressive I'd say! And so far all chicks are doing great.

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