Mystery Chicky!


6 Years
Apr 3, 2018
Hello again!

I'm pretty stumped with this little guy I got back a few months ago. I got him from a batch of assorted bantam chicks along with some pullets from TSC and I picked him out specifically because he was such an odd color and the only white one there. He was white with black spots on him and recently as I looked closer on his feathers he's started to gain these interesting barred/cuckoo patterns on his hackles that are a super faint buff color but barely there at the moment. I'm pretty sure he's an oegb roo now as he looks just like my other BBR oegb Lil Guy when he was young but I'm curious on what you guys think. Is he? And what color would you say he is? I would think hes a cuckoo oegb but the black speckles have been throwing me off 🤔

And I've finally given him a name a few days ago too, The Duke!


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Do you know what hatchery your TSC uses? The closest color I can find to him is Isabel cuckoo, and that’s only a project color in Orpingtons. He does look like an OEGB, but probably a mix of colors.
Do you know what hatchery your TSC uses? The closest color I can find to him is Isabel cuckoo, and that’s only a project color in Orpingtons. He does look like an OEGB, but probably a mix of colors.
Our TSC gets its chicks from Hoover Hatchery. And interesting i didn't think of that color, but I've looked through their chick identification page and couldn't find anything remotely close to what he looks like. I know they have Cuckoo though. I feel like it would be strange for them to sell a breed without having a page of them. Or maybe he just slipped through the cracks somehow from one of their new color projects 🤔

Who knows maybe he's just a weird mutation somehow! 🤣
He's Dominant White over Barred/cuckoo. This makes him have the ghost barring, plus the paint coloration.

Definitely an OEGB of an uncommon color.

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