Mystery Egg


In the Brooder
Aug 14, 2024
So I went on vacation and left my chickens in the care of a friend. When I came home I went back to my regular routine. I cracked an egg to eat and it was about a week along in growing. I candled all the rest of the eggs and found one more that was also growing and put it in my incubator. It by some miracle is alive, but I don't know exactly how old it is. I'm wondering if anyone could help me figure out when lockdown should be?
It was about a week when I put it in, but I don't know for sure. I've had it in the incubator for about another 9 days.
It's a really dark shell so it's kind of hard to see. I just don't want to put in in lockdown to early, or to late, since I know it's already weak. It was away from any sort of heat for about 4-5 hours, and the egg had been washed. But it's still alive, somehow
If i had to guess, that looks around day 15-17 ish? Really hard to know, but that baby is pretty full in that egg and those veins are pretty prominant too. If it were me, I'd probably turn it for a few (2) more days and then leave it.

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