Mystery pullet from Rural King


In the Brooder
Jul 7, 2024
A couple months ago I purchased 6 chicks from Rural King, one of whom I selected because she looked different from all of the other chickens, within hours of setting them up in the brooder I noticed she seemed bolder, more inquisitive and more assertive than the other chicks. She was the second largest of the group on the day I got them but quickly grew to almost twice the size of the next largest pullet in the flock. For weeks now I've been doing research on what breed she may be as she didn't look quite like any of the breeds listed on Rural King's or Hoover's hatchery's (Rural King's supplier) and it seems to me as though she's likely a Euskal Oiloa Marraduna Basque hen, based on physical attributes, temperament and personality. This is quite curious as this is not a breed typically supplied by Hoover's Hatchery, and from what I understand a relatively rare breed.

Anyways, could anyone take a look and confirm the breed, as well as offer some insight as to how this rare breed may have ended up in the bargain bin at Rural King? She's 2 months old and some change, and I'm fairly certain she's a pullet, however some insight on her gender would be fantastic as well!

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I really doubt she's a Euskal Oiloa or Marraduna Basque. I raised Basque years ago and to say they're rare is an understatment.
Being Hoover's it's more likely some kind of hybrid they're making.
The coloration kind of seems to be off for a pure breed bielefelder, maybe bielefelder/buff orpington mix?
Reminds me of the "calico princess" they used to sell.
Idk if those are still something they sell or not.
Reminds me of the "calico princess" they used to sell.
Idk if those are still something they sell or not.
I actually saw those for sale at Rural King when I went to buy more food yesterday, but they were not for sale when I picked up my chicks. It's definitely possible that one got mixed up and sent to the store though. She sure looks like one
I actually saw those for sale at Rural King when I went to buy more food yesterday, but they were not for sale when I picked up my chicks. It's definitely possible that one got mixed up and sent to the store though. She sure looks like one
Maybe she was a leftover and is a bit older than your others

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