Name 3 Things You Did Or Will Do Today - 2024

Will go grocery shopping, will cook dinner, will go with the dog, she doesn’t “dirty” up her own garden and has to be taken for a walk 3 times daily 🙄 I usually don’t mind, but if I got a lot going on, it is really a hassle, the dogs I had before her didn’t have any problems going in the garden, they got their walks too, but whenever I had time, not jumping around ; “I have to go, NOW!”
I have a list of things I want to get done while hubby is gone. Today I'd like to get to some of the stuff on the list.

Randomly, here are a few.
Dig the potatoes and get them spread out on the porch to dry/cure
Do some mending/alterations sewing
Fix the chickens' roost
Dehydrate another load of bananas, or do a load of apples

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