NC coop woes, questions and concerns


6 Years
May 11, 2018
Rockingham, NC
So my coop is still slowly coming apart due to the terrible work originally done by the contractors. I was going to go forward with small claims but I'm scared now. I was told if there are any permits that were needed for the chicken coop.. that those fines would fall on me or that if there were permits needed they could make it to where I can't even sell my house down the line. I feel so overwhelmed and defeated in all of this. I regret even wanting chickens now to where it's crossed my mind to sell the started flock I have and call it quits. The coop has been nothing but stress and now I have more when I just wanted to press the company to refund me enough to allow me to fix the coop where they did a poor job building it.
By permits, do you mean a building permit or a permit for you to have a coop on your property?

In Wisconsin, probably many states/counties, unpaid permits are added to our property tax bill at the end of the year.

I would figure the permit part out as that shouldn't be precluding you from suing the contractor or selling your home.

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