Need advice!! Hens have stopped laying


Aug 12, 2021
I sold six 2 year old laying hens (RIR and Golden Comet) about a month ago, and now the person that bought them messaged me, saying that they haven't been laying for the past 2 weeks. They were healthy and laying when I sold them. Any ideas on how to respond?
They should start by ruling out the possibility of a predator (snake, mice/rats, racoon, possum, etc) getting the eggs. Also, a hen turned egg eater.

And get all pertinent info such as feed, living conditions, stressors.
They should start by ruling out the possibility of a predator (snake, mice/rats, racoon, possum, etc) getting the eggs. Also, a hen turned egg eater.

And get all pertinent info such as feed, living conditions, stressors.
Thank you! I asked her, and basically none of those rang a bell. She did say that they have a rooster, which I don't have.
I'd write it off to moving stress.
Do they have other chickens?
If so, how did they integrate the new birds?
Do they free range?
Those are good points! She said that they have rooster, which I think could be the cause.

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