Need clear instructions for permethrin powder in the coop today!


6 Years
Nov 12, 2017
Northwest New Jersey
In a few moments I’m cleaning out the coop to prepare to apply permethrin dust. I will be dusting the birds later. I keep reading how to apply to the birds but very little about the coop. Mostly it says apply into cracks and crevices. Some say apply to nest boxes. Others say never apply to nest boxes. Nothing is said about dust bathing boxes. The container has sqft information but if I can’t put it in nests should I not put it in areas that are exposed to inquisitive chickens? I would have preferred to use Elector PSP but it’s too cold to be dipping chickens in water. I saw one very tiny almost translucent white bug run on a chickens belly. No eggs seen yet but I haven’t inspected everyone yet. Any advice?
It is best to spray nests, roosts, and the coop with either permethrin spray or the Elector PSP. But first, the bedding should be removed far away. The permethrin dust is best applied to the body of the chicken, either with a some in an old pair of stockings, or sprinkled on with the can. Some use an old pillow case and add the dust, then the chicken, to apply it taking care not to get it into her face. The dust would be difficult to use to treat the coop thoroughly. Permethrin can be used every 30 days in the coop if needed.
I understand how to dust the chicken there’s plenty plenty plenty out there about dusting the chickens. There’s very little about using the dust in the coop itself. The container talks about how many square feet it will treat. So I am assuming that it can be used on something other than Chicken‘s feet. They’re talking about square feet not chicken feet. So I’m using it in the coop because it is what I have two containers of. So I am considering sprinkling it on the bare floor once I’ve got all of the bedding out of here and on the poop board once it is cleaned. And on the roost. It’s a flat roost. And of course sprinkling it into gaps and cracks. The point I’m making is that all instructions talk about putting it into cracks and crevices and yet it talks about square feet. I am supposing everyone else uses the liquid stuff. I don’t have itAnd it’s far too cold to be using the liquid in the coop. It won’t dry before they come to bed. I will be putting fresh bedding on top of what I’m sprinkling. I do worry about the nest though. I don’t know if I’m supposed to put them in the nest or not.
Tbh, my girls usually dustbathe in an area they made for themselves in the yard, not in theeircdesignated dust bath in the run.

I really just thought that if we can douse our chickens in it, they could douse themselves with it.

Always better safe than sorry when in doubt.
I recently added a dust bath indoors because they dust bathe in the floor bedding in a particular corner area. Also because when it rains or snows their outdoor area is just wet. So far they only walk through it. No dust bathing.

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