NEED HELP FAST !! Hens getting worse by the day


Oct 29, 2023
I’ve three hens - my last three to be exact and they all seem to be going through something. This progressed extremely quickly - having only noticed one with any sort of respiratory distress, now I am noticing it in all three.

To make things clear , here is a rundown of the birds I will be speaking of.
Bandi - 8year old barred rock, not laying, drinking okay, not eating great.
Saltine - 8year old barred rock, I do not believe she is laying, eating and drinking okay.
Taro - 5/6year old barred rock, laying, eating, and drinking fine.

I first noticed a slight wheeze from Saltine, and shortly thereafter I noticed a yellow, brown capped mass in her nares. Just last year I lost a bird to severe canker, so I started the flock on ACS two days ago.
I did check each birds mouth/throat before doing so - I noticed no lesions in Saltine or Taros throat, but I did see a small lesion in Bandis throat.

Today, morning after the second treatment, I’ve noticed Saltine and Taros combs are going purple.

At this point I have no idea what to do. Stop the ACS? Continue?

I should mention a few extra details - I had planned to treat with ACS first, load them up with probiotics after, and then start an antibiotic of the sorts to treat the respiratory distress. Now I’m worried I’ve made the wrong choice.

The only respiratory distress I’ve noted from Bandi and Taro being Bandis voiced seemed very weak/breathing seemed somewhat labored and I noted a sneezing/head shaking fit from Taro two days ago.
Bandi also has lime green droppings which I know from experience is not a good thing.

Vet is not an option.
Any advice? I’ve had these ladies 8years and they are my everything - I will do anything I can to save them.
I am not sure what to do about this particular issue, so I will tag a person who might know.

@Wyorp Rock

I hope all of your hens get better! The first thing I do with all sick chickens is give them HydroHen and Nutri-Drench to make them feel better and less weak. Make sure your hens have clean noses if their noses are running from the respiratory issue.
Just last year I lost a bird to severe canker

I did check each birds mouth/throat before doing so - I noticed no lesions in Saltine or Taros throat, but I did see a small lesion in Bandis throat.
Sounds like you are probably dealing with Canker again since you noticed a lesion.

ACS is used to treat Canker, check your dosing to make sure it's correct.

Your hens are older, so it's possible they may have something else going on. Hopefully they improve with treatment. If the ACS is not working, then you may need to use Metronidazole instead.
you need to separate the chickens the disease gets transmitted through the poop, antibiotics can help in secondary infections. people can get it but they just get flu like simptoms and pinkeye
Separate the chickens from each other?
That sounds rather pointless in this case:
I’ve three hens - my last three to be exact and they all seem to be going through something. This progressed extremely quickly - having only noticed one with any sort of respiratory distress, now I am noticing it in all three.
If the entire flock is three hens, and they all have the disease, separating them is not going to do any good.

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