Need help gendering these chickies


In the Brooder
Dec 9, 2024
So my wife and I got these chickies from a local bucheits a couple months ago. Very spur of the moment. We didn't know really anything about chickens when we got them. But they have been so much fun to take care of. Unfortunately in our city we can't have roosters and we have no idea how to tell the genders of these. And the store couldn't tell us either. We're hoping for all girl's because we're too attached now and this point. We were hoping they were old enough for by now for some people on here to tell what gender they are. They're about 10 weeks old. We have a smokey pearl, 2 rir, a saphire gem, a cinnamon queen, and an Easter egger that the store said was an Amaracuana. Here are some pictures of them. The rir's might be hard to tell apart. I tried to take decent pictures but sorry about the red light. It's cold out here
Well that sucks. She was our most snuggly one. I will say she is probably two weeks older than the others. I'm not sure If that makes a difference with the development of her comb and wattle.
The white one is definitely a cockerel. Even if it's a couple weeks older than the rest, the comb and wattles are too red and developed for a pullet. Usually pullets will get red around the 16 week mark or later.

I'm not surprised he's your most cuddly. Cockerels typically are more friendly when they're young.

I'd also keep an eye on your grey one. Looks like a pullet now but it may be a slow developing cockerel. The only reason I say this is the stance but that is definitely not a clear indicator.
well I guess I'll have to get rid of pearl. I guess it's earl now. If I were to get another chick to replace him would it be possible to keep the chick in the coop maybe caged off from the rest of the chickens for now? Would it be hard on a chick to raise it alone of i kept it inside our house for the winter?
well I guess I'll have to get rid of pearl. I guess it's earl now. If I were to get another chick to replace him would it be possible to keep the chick in the coop maybe caged off from the rest of the chickens for now? Would it be hard on a chick to raise it alone of i kept it inside our house for the winter?
If you are able, I would get two, just so it's not by itself and will make integrating 2 into the flock easier than one. If you are already at your limit, minus one, I would wait until you can add 2.

I've integrated single chicks into a flock, but it is not the easiest.

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