need help with identifying breeds please


5 Years
Apr 2, 2014
Central Massachusetts

Yellow one is very skidish - Not sure what breed

Very friendly and likes to be held

same as above

skidish one again

same as above

feathers on legs - freindly

same as above

does not like to be picked up and very vocal

same as above - starting to get stripped feathers

All are female - just need breed help
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Could the black and white one be a barred rock?

What about a golden sex link for the skittish one?

I'm not sure about the third or fourth ones...
I would love to know about the little skittish one too. I brought home 33 chicks that we hatched at school. Half of them look just like that one. I would say Buff Orp, but they came out of white eggs. We ordered the school "chick to egg" package from Ideal and they don't tell you what you are getting. I know I have some barred rocks and possibly gold laced Wyandotte, but outside of that I cannot tell. The buff ones really have me stumped. It's making me a little crazy.

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