So this is Lucky (a few of you may know him from the November hatchalong I did. His right eye recently has been giving him trouble, and we have used the eye ointment (when we can catch him) to help him out. It looked like it was clearing up. (No more oozing etc. Just a shut eye with minimal swelling)
Yesterday he was fine. Today I go out and see him just sitting on the covered run. He didn't even run when I got near him. Like he couldn't see. So I told him good afternoon, and asked him how he was. He turned his head and now his other eye is messed up too. Poor baby is hurt and idk what this is. He doesn't even try to get away now. He just talks smack bc I am picking him up. I set him up in the quarantine area with food and water (showed him where both were beside him).
What is this and what is going on with my boy? He has yellow spots too. Also his foot
Yesterday he was fine. Today I go out and see him just sitting on the covered run. He didn't even run when I got near him. Like he couldn't see. So I told him good afternoon, and asked him how he was. He turned his head and now his other eye is messed up too. Poor baby is hurt and idk what this is. He doesn't even try to get away now. He just talks smack bc I am picking him up. I set him up in the quarantine area with food and water (showed him where both were beside him).
What is this and what is going on with my boy? He has yellow spots too. Also his foot