Need some advice on when D'Uccles begin to start laying again in Spring


9 Years
Oct 21, 2015
Hey everyone, need some advice! I have 3 Ameraucanas (quite old) 3 Golden Fleece Wyandottes and 4 beautiful Mille Fleur D'Uccles. The Wyandottes and D'Uccles are roughly the same age at 10 months old. In 2023 both breeds laid prolifically once they matured enough, and my D'Uccles lay up until early Dec! Then all the girls shut down for winter (I live in upstate NY near VT) Normally the following year my Ameraucana girls start to lay around early Feb (a bit later for my old Ameraucanas these days but they used to be clockwork on late Jan early Feb) So far, normal as apple pie. SOOOOO my question is this; come early Feb my Wyandottes started to lay again (as per normal- they are now 11 months old) They lay every day. But my D'Uccles havent laid a single egg since last Dec. :confused: Even my 6 year old 'canas have popped an egg or 2 this year (again, dont expect much from them) I read somewhere that D'Uccles can be a bit late to start going again in the Spring and they lay quite late into Autumn winter. So i have been crossing my fingers this is the case. Has anyone else had this with D'Uccles or bantams?? All 4 hens arent laying, just this breed and they are only 11 months old. (keeping in mind they started laying last year)

My paranoia comes in because 5 years ago I bought 3 Blue Copper Marans and they laid every single day pretty much once they started laying. They layed right up until their first winter, then shut down per normal, and then the following year I got about 5 eggs in Feb. and the NOTHING FOR THE REST OF THEIR LIVES. I couldnt believe it! Like all 3 hens!! Nothing! My Ameraucanas continued to lay and were in the flock as well with the Marans so they all ate the same feed and everyone was healthy. I read sometimes girls just run out of eggs and finish early, but ALL 3? That was uncanny. Those girls lived only about 4 years and never laid again and now Im just a little bit paranoid this will happen with my D'Uccles.

The girls are all on layer feed 16% (I jacked this up to 20% 2 years ago for a bit, to see if my Marans would begin laying due to not enough protein but this did not work)

This winter has been very COLD up here so during the time when its single digits or -0 windchill I make hot oatmeal for the girls and give them that. Do you reckon this might be taking away from their protein needs?? They have 16% layer feed 24/7 available but of course if they eat lots of oatmeal, they might not eat as much feed. They do get a 1/2 cup of dried mealworms every day as well, and the egg production of my Wyandottes is phenomenal so they dont seem to be suffering from any lack of protein if I go by egg production. Any thoughts?

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