Never going to incubate eggs again if I can help it.

Coops Dad

Free Ranging
May 10, 2020
too close to Waco, TX
I've had such a good experience with my broody Bresse hen. She was a dedicated broody, stayed on the nest for three days after the first hatched, and has been an incredibly doting momma to her chicks. All I have to do is replenished the feed and water and momma does the rest; I'm amazed at how she teaches them to scratch, calls them to fresh food and water, brings them live-but-wounded bugs to stalk and eat. My wife and I have decided this particular hen is getting a color coded band designating her as the queen mother of broodies, and we'll be putting eggs under broodies at every opportunity instead of stuffing the incubator for the foreseeable future.
Felt the same way after my hen hatched eggs. So much better for the chicks to have a mother hen. They are six weeks old and she's still doting on them, won't allow herself to get more than a couple feet away from them.
I refused to incubate unless I had a broody hen...which my Jubilee Orpington finally decided to do. It was so cute watching her raise her little buggers, and even now she still lets one of the fourteen-week-old boys snuggle under her at night (his brother has moved out).

With my ducks, though, I have to raise them inside because even though Hilda is a good broody duck, she is the world's worst mother.

Congratulations on your successful hatch and your wonderful mother hen!

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