New Arizona Flock!


May 4, 2022
Verde Valley, Arizona
Greetings from the Verde Valley in Arizona! I grew up on a family farm in Alaska where we always had chickens. I've missed them ever since. For the first time since arriving in Arizona I'm in a position to have chickens.

Because I wanted the fun of a diverse flock, I mail ordered 10 chicks from a hatchery and the box arrived April 21st. The hatchery put one extra chick in the box, which was a good thing. I'm pretty sure it was the extra unknown-breed chick that died in transit. All the others not only arrived in good shape, but they are all still alive and thriving! Wow, it's amazing how fast these ladies are growing feathers.

Here is what I SHOULD have (we'll see after all their feathers come in):

Rhode Island Red (the only one with multiples. We have 3)
Rhode Island Blue
Barred Plymouth Rock
Blue Rock
Blue Copper Marans
Noir Marans
Splash Australorp
Spotted Sussex

I ordered all pullets, but of course sexing is not 100%. It will be interesting to see if there is a rooster in the mix, and if so, which breed. In the meantime, all of them are getting regular holding and petting. Need to get that in right now before they start spending most of their time outside instead of in a box in my bathtub! For extra fun, I've been documenting their arrival and growth on my JAMarlow YouTube channel.
Congratulations on your thriving little ones! Nice as it is to have them in the house when they are little -- it's much easier to be attentive to their needs -- it's also a great day when they move outside.

Sounds like you have some great breeds that will make up a beautiful flock.

Welcome to BYC; here's hoping they are all girls!

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