New baby chicks moma!

Dani Nettles

In the Brooder
Mar 5, 2025
I never had chickens before, and finally decided to start my first flock.
I got 9 baby chicks on a local store. Now they are between 3 and 2 weeks old.
Most of them should be a Sapphire Gem, one a Plymouth Rock and a couple seems to be too different in colors than the rest - I can’t wait to hear you all opinions!!
I always loved the idea of raising chickens for eggs, and now I live in a good place for it 😃
I Already found a lot of answers within this awesome community and I am excited to learn more about these amazing creatures!
Welcome to BYC, Dani. I've never raised sapphires. I have raised plenty of blue chickens. They shades of blue can vary greatly.
I believe they are they carry the self blue gene, also known as lavender, depending on the breed. (There is blue/black/splash and there is self blue/lavender) Self blue means they always come out blue but it still may vary from light to dark.

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