New chick mom


9 Years
Apr 24, 2010
Hi, I'm a nervous new chick mom. My chicks turned a week old today and I probably get up 4 times a night to check on them!! So far I think I'm doing okay, they eat, poop, sleep, and chirp like they are happy. I'm frantically searching for a reasonably priced chicken coop, since I'm a single girl with absolutely no carpentry skills. Any helpful hints about ANYTHING chick related would be greatly appreciated. Also, can I feed them treats at this age? I was thinking a few chopped up raisins...

I personally wait until they are at least two week old before feeding treats. Before you feed them any treats you need to provide chick grit (or sand).

How many chicks do you have? This will help people her on BYC recommend solutions for a coop. If you have 2 or 3 there are a lot more options than if yyo have a dozen or more.

I suggest you spend lots of time reading here on BYC. You will find lots of opinions and suggestions for raising your chick and for various coop options.
At 2 weeks do I start to give them grit and can then give a few treats? I've read so many different things but I'm sure the best advice is from those that actually have chickens! I have 2 barred rocks, and 1 buff orpington mix, thought I would start out slow.....
The cheapest coop I have found is around $600.00, I prefer something that I don't have to bend over to clean and get the eggs and that also has an enclosed run. I have to admit I'm high maintenance when it comes to what my coop is going to look like, I want it to match my house colors and have a little window box. I think I have become officially obsessed with chickens!! Thanks so much for your advice, believe me it is greatly appreciated!
lol I think EVERY new chick mom checks on the babies much more then is actually needed. I have my three in a brooder in my bedroom, right next to my head. I can deal with dust and the noise, rather have that then have something happen when I wasn't around. Plus, the heat light is another added worry, so I like to keep a constant eye on it.

My chicks were two weeks old before I finally left the house empty to run errands, and was glad to come home to happy chicks. The worst thing I have encountered with mine is they tend to dig near the feeder till it tips over and spills everywhere, that is about 11pm at night. They get a hair up their butt or something lol. Thank GOSH they haven't tipped their waterer.

I also brought them outside when it was 70's for a few hours as early as possible. Afterall, they would be outside with the momma hen, and I know hens do not sit on chicks 24/7. They get up, eat, drink, and the chicks are exposed to the heat/cold for however long. My chicks go in a draft free dog crate/coop when they are outside because I do have two outdoor cats who I don't trust until the chicks are grown.

All in all, enjoy them
the nervous mommy feeling will subside SOMEWHAT lol! Congrats too!

Edit To Say: I bought chick grit at the feed store, and offered it when my three were about 2 weeks old. Along with some rolled oats (their FAVORITE treat) and some "chick scratch" which is just chicken scratch ground a bit finer. They are VERY fond of the oatmeal though, dry only, they won't touch cooked. Picky picky.
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Yeah I check the heat lamp constantly! Are they too hot, are they too cold, will something catch on fire, it's ridiculous. I'm at work today and keep thinking about all that could happen while I'm not there. I have them in the kitchen, which most people think is gross, my next step is baby monitor and a webcam, LOL!

Thanks for the advice about the oatmeal, silly question, regular oat meal or is steel cut okay? That's MY oatmeal of choice
My best advice for treats is to wait until they are fully feathered in about a few months or so. This gives them a chance to get used to eating the chick meal instead of just wanting treats. They get all the nutrients they need out of the feed. But very normal to check on them a lot. When my chicks first went out to the coop I set up a wireless camera in the coop that I can view on the TV I call it "Chick TV"! Friends that come over thinks I'm crazy!

Anyway, BackYardChickens is the best for all your questions. Just ask away!

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