Hello All! We welcomed our first ever chickens about a month ago. This site has been so helpful. Thanks to everyone for sharing advise, tips, pics,... We started with 10 babies from Mypetchicken.Com - 2 each of RIR, Buff Orps, Leghorns, Australorps, Barred PR. All are healthy. They moved from a brooder box to the coop after a couple weeks as we've been having such nice weather. I had never heard of chicken math until I started reading posts here. I have to admit over dinner last night we started talking about trying some more!
Looking forward to learning from all of you.
A couple starter questions.. when should I add nesting boxes? Do they need grit for chick starter and a few treats like worms, cucumbers,..? Thanks,
Looking forward to learning from all of you.
A couple starter questions.. when should I add nesting boxes? Do they need grit for chick starter and a few treats like worms, cucumbers,..? Thanks,
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