new chicks


5 Years
Mar 27, 2015
The Great Lakes State
My Coop
My Coop
Okay, so, I'm getting chickens for the first time this spring and I am torn between the decision of two breeds of chicks: Isa Browns and EEs. I'm probably going to get EEs but just to be sure these are the right chickens for me, please tell me all you know about them so I can get better acquainted with them. thanks!
I like easter eggers personally. Their pretty, lay a variety of coloured eggs and come in a variety of colors so you can always tell them apart. They are supposed to be a friendly breed too but I can't say if this is true because I only have two. One is the friendliest of the flock and the other is probably the least friendly and a drama queen. They can also be very broody which is drawback or blessing depending on how you look at it. I don't know much about isa browns.

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