I've started building my coop already. I'm a second time chicken owner. We live in Vermont and it's very cold here in the winter. I don't have electricity to my coop. One of my biggest wishes is to have heated water and I also love those water nipples.
For about a decade I lugged water twice a day to our coop during the winter. UGGGG. That is a lot of work. We also had goats on the other side of the property where I did the same thing.
Technology has come a LONG way in just 5 years and seems more "do-able". I've search YouTube and on this amazing forum but just need more detailed info for a beginner solar person.
In simple terms....can I use solar to power heat for my chicken water?
Is heat what I really need or would a bubbler to enough. In plant world I live in zone 4. This means it drops below zero often!
Also, I want to have an auto chicken waterer. We travel a lot in winter and honestly, I just hate carrying water. Lol! Can I have this with solar?
All I have so far is the coop base so I'd like to incorporate all my new things into the build since I'm starting from scratch.
For about a decade I lugged water twice a day to our coop during the winter. UGGGG. That is a lot of work. We also had goats on the other side of the property where I did the same thing.
Technology has come a LONG way in just 5 years and seems more "do-able". I've search YouTube and on this amazing forum but just need more detailed info for a beginner solar person.
In simple terms....can I use solar to power heat for my chicken water?
Is heat what I really need or would a bubbler to enough. In plant world I live in zone 4. This means it drops below zero often!
Also, I want to have an auto chicken waterer. We travel a lot in winter and honestly, I just hate carrying water. Lol! Can I have this with solar?
All I have so far is the coop base so I'd like to incorporate all my new things into the build since I'm starting from scratch.