New flock members

Jl neighborhood flock

In the Brooder
May 25, 2024
So I have some news on the rooster, not to long after I posted my thread on my roo he was unfortunately attacked, and is not with us anymore. Currently, I have to hens- and plan to get baby chicks to raise and eventually mix in with my two current hens, however, I don’t know how my current hens are going to react to these new flock members, any tips, advice or ideas?
Make a plan for brooding and a plan for integration. Some folks like brooding indoors, some outdoors, some integrate early, some later, so consider the pros and cons and plan accordingly. I'm the outdoor brooding & early integration type: which I find to be easiest on me and the birds, but it does require ample space and clutter so the chicks always have spaces they can escape to to remain safe.

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