[IMG alt="Liz Birdlover"][/IMG]
Hi Guinea Lovers!
I need your expertise & advice.
I've had birds in my life a long time, Parrots, Homing Pigeons for decades, Chickens & Roosters I've come to adore since 2015 & now I've got Guineas...sort of began when a friend got some, 1 seemed injured & asked me to help. I saw them in a slippery bottom cage, so I thought it was just splay leg, which I've had good results with my "sling" & or tape methods, many times over the years, with Cockatiels & Pigeons.
This poor Guinea seemed to improve slightly, but then went right back to not having a functional leg. After scouring this site & internet in general, reading everything I can about it, I've come to the conclusion, she may have either broken her leg & it unfortunately mended in a bad position, or this poor bird has tendon issues (which probably is the case & 1st time I have ever seen it, let alone dealt with it). Her growth also seems stunted.
She is currently set up in a large tub in my bathroom, lined with towels for traction, she eats & drinks, but she isn't walking, its more like scurrying, crawling, wing flapping with a bum leg. She gets where she's goin, but that's no quality life for any bird. I am searching for a decent avian vet, may need a road trip to visit one.
I find it difficult giving up on a creature that is eating & drinking. I know she may need to be humanely put down, just want to see if there is hope she could possibly walk & live as she should. It's the 1 leg that sticks out & basically the foot even faces the wrong way. This was noticed when she was maybe One & a 1/2 to 2 weeks old, July 4th, she was very little then. My friend told me she seemed to be getting progressively worse, it wasn't sudden. I got her end of July. After 4 weeks doing well, taped legs with cushion between knees, in a sling, she walked around pretty good, about a week! Only her toes looked odd, but I hoped they'd straighten out.
An injured pigeon in a sling, that was a compound fracture broken leg (hawk attack) had curled toes, but after a week out of the sling his toes straightened back out & he walked perfectly, so I thought her toes would, too. She was in the tub with a young pigeon also in recovery (temporary, they snuggled together & got along very well). But instead of toes improving, that leg started facing outwards & she began dragging it again. Her pigeon buddy recovered & went back out to the pigeon loft, but I learned Guineas need more of their own kind. So, I got 4 younger Guineas, to grow up with her. I had all 5 of them in the tub & heated bathroom, then when they didn't need heat I moved them outside in a large pen for a few weeks, this was temporary as I worked on their new coop. As they were still little, they used a modified rabbit hutch, they roosted in. Even Lee would scramble all around the pen after crickets & then up the ramp into the hutch, where they all snuggled at night.
When we had hurricane Ian, I had to move them, set them up indoors, in a room about the size of a barn stall. EVERYONE here was indoors, high winds blowing heavy rain sideways for a week! Then puddles & mud for 2 weeks. Entire flock hunkered down & stayed dry inside. That's when the other Guineas started picking on her, though, not causing injury, but I could tell this was going to escalate over time. They are able to fly & jump up high to roost, poor little Lee can't, she stays on the floor, drags her leg to get around. When I saw little peck marks, I had to move her back inside to my bathroom.
Well, shes got the whole big tub to herself, She's doing OK, eats & drinks, but it's obviously not a good quality of life for her. It is now October. The 4 younger Guineas are much larger than her! I think they're 2 males & 2 females. We've had more rain but the temperatures are starting to change & I need to get them back outside & I'm working to finish up inside of their new coop.
So, I've learned Guineas prefer to free range, but we have constant predators, so I do have predator proof pens & coops question is, can I set those 4 up that way? They'll have their own coop & pen, (not sharing with Pigeons or Chickens nearby, as they have their own, too.) I figure they can get used to that being their "home base" where food & water is set up & safe roosting...but how long should I wait before opening the door & letting them free range? When we resettle Homing Pigeons from a different loft, we wait 2 months before letting them fly free, otherwise they fly back to their previous owner's loft. I figure the 4 Guineas will most likely immediately go for trees & I have a few, but next door is a vacant lot, all trees, often filled with hawks...what happens when hawks zoom in? Would Guineas come back to their coop to roost? If I leave that coop door open for them, I will get every other critter around invading...mice, raccoon, fox, neighbor's cats, etc., eating their food. So how do you deal with that? Just open & close door certian times & they'll figure it out? Or once I open their door, are they gone...preferring free life in trees on neighbor's wooded lot? Will they ever come back to their coop if I call them? Sorry for all the silly questions but I'm learning that they're very different from chickens & pigeons...I can call those birds in & they come running or flying to me, even land on me. The Guineas don't seem to reciprocate my affection for them Lol, yes, I know they'll never be friendly, that's OK, I just want them safe & alive.
As for Lee, I know there are times we must cull, but I can't personally do it & I will only have someone else do it, IF there is No hope for her. I need a vet, to find out if this is permanent tendon issue without possibility of repair, or was it a break that could possibly be rebroken & reset. The 1st challenge is finding a vet...Most only see parrots & are far.
As there is a wealth of experience here, can y'all give me some advice?
Is there any helping this poor bird?
Advice about the other 4 & how to keep them safe?
They won't like being confined to the coop & pen all of the time, right?
How can they free range safely? Am I nuts for thinking I might be able to call them in? Well, they gotta eat, I'll keep the feed inside the coop...will they come in for that & come in at dusk so I can shut the fox, raccoons & owls out to keep them alive?
Sorry I wrote a book of a post here. I really want to learn what's best for them!
Little Lee, when I 1st got her, up til now.
Lee is back in my bathroom tub now, sorry sweetie. Her leg is just not right.
New to Guineas Need Advice
- Participants
- Liz Birdlover
- Mixed flock enthusiast
- Start dateToday at 2:19 PM
[IMG alt="Liz Birdlover"][/IMG]
Liz Birdlover
Free Ranging
Today at 2:19 PMHi Guinea Lovers!
I need your expertise & advice.
I've had birds in my life a long time, Parrots, Homing Pigeons for decades, Chickens & Roosters I've come to adore since 2015 & now I've got Guineas...sort of began when a friend got some, 1 seemed injured & asked me to help. I saw them in a slippery bottom cage, so I thought it was just splay leg, which I've had good results with my "sling" & or tape methods, many times over the years, with Cockatiels & Pigeons.
This poor Guinea seemed to improve slightly, but then went right back to not having a functional leg. After scouring this site & internet in general, reading everything I can about it, I've come to the conclusion, she may have either broken her leg & it unfortunately mended in a bad position, or this poor bird has tendon issues (which probably is the case & 1st time I have ever seen it, let alone dealt with it). Her growth also seems stunted.
She is currently set up in a large tub in my bathroom, lined with towels for traction, she eats & drinks, but she isn't walking, its more like scurrying, crawling, wing flapping with a bum leg. She gets where she's goin, but that's no quality life for any bird. I am searching for a decent avian vet, may need a road trip to visit one.
I find it difficult giving up on a creature that is eating & drinking. I know she may need to be humanely put down, just want to see if there is hope she could possibly walk & live as she should. It's the 1 leg that sticks out & basically the foot even faces the wrong way. This was noticed when she was maybe One & a 1/2 to 2 weeks old, July 4th, she was very little then. My friend told me she seemed to be getting progressively worse, it wasn't sudden. I got her end of July. After 4 weeks doing well, taped legs with cushion between knees, in a sling, she walked around pretty good, about a week! Only her toes looked odd, but I hoped they'd straighten out.
An injured pigeon in a sling, that was a compound fracture broken leg (hawk attack) had curled toes, but after a week out of the sling his toes straightened back out & he walked perfectly, so I thought her toes would, too. She was in the tub with a young pigeon also in recovery (temporary, they snuggled together & got along very well). But instead of toes improving, that leg started facing outwards & she began dragging it again. Her pigeon buddy recovered & went back out to the pigeon loft, but I learned Guineas need more of their own kind. So, I got 4 younger Guineas, to grow up with her. I had all 5 of them in the tub & heated bathroom, then when they didn't need heat I moved them outside in a large pen for a few weeks, this was temporary as I worked on their new coop. As they were still little, they used a modified rabbit hutch, they roosted in. Even Lee would scramble all around the pen after crickets & then up the ramp into the hutch, where they all snuggled at night.
When we had hurricane Ian, I had to move them, set them up indoors, in a room about the size of a barn stall. EVERYONE here was indoors, high winds blowing heavy rain sideways for a week! Then puddles & mud for 2 weeks. Entire flock hunkered down & stayed dry inside. That's when the other Guineas started picking on her, though, not causing injury, but I could tell this was going to escalate over time. They are able to fly & jump up high to roost, poor little Lee can't, she stays on the floor, drags her leg to get around. When I saw little peck marks, I had to move her back inside to my bathroom.
Well, shes got the whole big tub to herself, She's doing OK, eats & drinks, but it's obviously not a good quality of life for her. It is now October. The 4 younger Guineas are much larger than her! I think they're 2 males & 2 females. We've had more rain but the temperatures are starting to change & I need to get them back outside & I'm working to finish up inside of their new coop.
So, I've learned Guineas prefer to free range, but we have constant predators, so I do have predator proof pens & coops question is, can I set those 4 up that way? They'll have their own coop & pen, (not sharing with Pigeons or Chickens nearby, as they have their own, too.) I figure they can get used to that being their "home base" where food & water is set up & safe roosting...but how long should I wait before opening the door & letting them free range? When we resettle Homing Pigeons from a different loft, we wait 2 months before letting them fly free, otherwise they fly back to their previous owner's loft. I figure the 4 Guineas will most likely immediately go for trees & I have a few, but next door is a vacant lot, all trees, often filled with hawks...what happens when hawks zoom in? Would Guineas come back to their coop to roost? If I leave that coop door open for them, I will get every other critter around invading...mice, raccoon, fox, neighbor's cats, etc., eating their food. So how do you deal with that? Just open & close door certian times & they'll figure it out? Or once I open their door, are they gone...preferring free life in trees on neighbor's wooded lot? Will they ever come back to their coop if I call them? Sorry for all the silly questions but I'm learning that they're very different from chickens & pigeons...I can call those birds in & they come running or flying to me, even land on me. The Guineas don't seem to reciprocate my affection for them Lol, yes, I know they'll never be friendly, that's OK, I just want them safe & alive.
As for Lee, I know there are times we must cull, but I can't personally do it & I will only have someone else do it, IF there is No hope for her. I need a vet, to find out if this is permanent tendon issue without possibility of repair, or was it a break that could possibly be rebroken & reset. The 1st challenge is finding a vet...Most only see parrots & are far.
As there is a wealth of experience here, can y'all give me some advice?
Is there any helping this poor bird?
Advice about the other 4 & how to keep them safe?
They won't like being confined to the coop & pen all of the time, right?
How can they free range safely? Am I nuts for thinking I might be able to call them in? Well, they gotta eat, I'll keep the feed inside the coop...will they come in for that & come in at dusk so I can shut the fox, raccoons & owls out to keep them alive?
Sorry I wrote a book of a post here. I really want to learn what's best for them!

Little Lee, when I 1st got her, up til now.

Lee is back in my bathroom tub now, sorry sweetie. Her leg is just not right.

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