New hens for winter.


In the Brooder
Oct 5, 2024
First time raiser here. We have a few barred rock hens that are about 19 weeks now. Correction one actually laid an egg this morning. Wondering about upcoming winter (West texas) we have mild winters usually, but I'm wondering what if we need heat in coop. Also when should I expect eggs if at all this year. They're on Layer pellets and just added oyster shells today.
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You don't need heat.
How long have they been on layer feed?
Days are getting shorter which can delay the onset of lay.
You'll just have to be patient and wait.
You don't need heat.
How long have they been on layer feed?
Days are getting shorter which can delay the onset of lay.
You'll just have to be patient and wait.
Lol funny you say that one actually laid this morning I guess. So is a light on a timer in the coop area good?
I live in Northern Ontario, Canada. My winters are -30c. I have my run enclosed with green house plastic and close one of 3 vents on the coop itself. 3 small bales of straw to keep them off the ground. Half of my flock are around 20 weeks of age. All my birds do well with out added heat. They dont need it. They just like the wind blocked and a dry chicken run area.
One issue I do have is dust bathing in the winter. These areas freeze. 🤷‍♂️

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