New member to Backyard Chickens


In the Brooder
Mar 14, 2025
Hi, I'm new to the forum here. I've had chickens for the last 3 years now. I have 6 hens and 1 rooster. I've lost one to a coyote and two others to our new puppy dog last year. I have 4 Dominique and 2 French Cuckoo Maran hens, Mr. Manny my rooster is also FCM. I was really hoping beyond hope that one of the hens would go broody and raise some babies. So far no joy. New plan is to incubate their eggs and go that route. Chicken math is really egging me on to also get either a few goslings and/or turkey chicks. I'm in central Washington state, at an altitude of 4,100'. Winter is 6 months long🥶, at least it seems that way, LOL. I make a pathway of straw or wood chips on the snow for the chickens so they can get to new grass under the pine trees. This time of year is mud season, melting feet of snow then freezing at night, then maybe a tiny bit of rain and of course more snow fall. I'm really looking forward to green and warm weather.

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