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In the Brooder
Feb 10, 2025
Hello new member here and very new gr-grandma 2-7-25. i am raising chickens here in Abbeville SC. I have 8 RIR, 3 LT BR, 3 Buff BR, 4 Australorps, 3 Wyandotte, 4 mixed, 1RIR Roo, 1 Roo Brahma/RIR/?. Had a few losses throughout. my first time hatching did 9. 8 of those were viable, I hatched 7 but do to human error (me) I messed up one and lost one. So I guess 6 isn't to bad for first time. Anyway I enjoy raising them and watching their antics. I just put some in the incubator for a friend.

I am semi retired tried full retirement but not ready yet. So still working getting ready to start a garden any suggestions on how to do that with free range birds excepted. I also crochet a little and would like to have some honey bee's (any thoughts). any way enough rambling for now have a great day.
Hiya, and welcome to BYC! :frow

We have a huge garden and free range our chickens too. Hubby built a fence around the whole thing with stakes and chicken wire. These are silkies, so they can't fly. If yours fly, you might have to make it taller than 4', or if feasible, use bird netting over the top. It also helps to keep the rabbits out of there too.

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