new to all this!!!


12 Years
Apr 27, 2007
Webster, FL
ok i have the coop and nesting boxes, now everything is going along ok, well now they have decided that the nesting boxes are their bathroom area also........YUK!!!!
I am changing the bedding 3 or 4 times a week, so what can i do so they keep laying they eggs but not poop in them???? or is it time for a big chicken dinner
lol.png roosts?

They may be roosting on the nest boxes and pooping in the nests.

...just a guess. Anyone else got an idea to fix the problem? need to make them a roost..AWAY from the nesting boxes...and maybe after dark...go in there, slowly remove them from the nesting boxes, and place them on the roost. Hopefully thye will get the idea. Make the roost on the opposite side of the coop. Hope this works!
i will try to moving them a little bit further away from the boxes. someone older gentalman told me to put vinager in the bottom of the boxes that way they will lay eggs in there but not use the bathroom in them.....another old wifes tale, any truth to it???
ohh i have that problem myself... because Echo is a wimp and Carmen hangs with him, my other gals are meaner and won't let them roost on the roost, they have to rest in the nesting area and they spend most of their time in there... so you could image there's alot of poop there...

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