In the Brooder
- Jun 24, 2023
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Hello, so I decided to get some chickens about 10 weeks ago or so. I started with 6 hens and raised them to about 7 weeks old and then turned them loose on my 1 acre of chain link fenced, grass type property. It’s a great place for chickens and I was hoping to let them free range. Anyway they were super easy and required zero training to automatically go into their coop when it started getting dark outside. I let them out of the coop when I wake up every morning at around 6:00. So I went out one day about noon to find 1 was missing and the water dispenser knocked over inside of the coop. So I set out a trail camera and found that there is a large feral cat coming in at night once in a while to the coop. So I’ve been setting the camera up every night but it’s only coming into my yard about every 5-6 nights or so. Today it happened again where I lost another hen right in the middle of the day. With the chickens out all day there are tons of trail cam pics but I’m going to keep the trail cam set up 24/7 from now on to get a positive ID on what exactly is happening but I live in a rural area so I’m just curious how I should deal with the cat? I really would like them to be able to free range instead of being inside of a fenced run.