New to chickens, think one is sick

I’m sorry that I have not kept up with this thread. Does she have a sour or bad odor from her beak/crop? What do her poops look like? Unfortunately crop disorders— impacted, sour, or pendulous crops are usually related to an underlying issue, such as reproductive disorders, worms, or cancer. It can be hard to tell the issue until a necropsy can be done and the abdominal organs and crop can be examined. Most of the time we try to treat the crop issue using coconut oil and nystatin or miconazole yeast cream, limit any hard grains in the diet, worm if not done recently, and check the crop daily. I don’t recommend vomiting her, since she could choke to death. With an older hen who is not having a good quality of life, we sometimes have to decide to put them out of their misery if we cannot help them. Here is a good article by azygous who knows how to treat crop problems:
That was the article I read that led me to believe sour crop. It does have a terrible smell when we open her beak to give the monistat. Unfortunately she has not pooped in at least 12 hours 😕. That was my fear is that she might have some reproductive issues since this all started when she seemed like she was going to lay soon. She will eat a couple nibbles of scrambled egg but is uninterested in water.

EDIT: she is eating tiny nibbles of feed that I moistened with water I mixed corrid with. She finally pooped and it was watery, yellow, with black spots
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