New to the chick world but eager to get on with the Chick-nanigans

What do you think of the term "Crazy Chicken Lady/Man"?

  • Love it, Crazy in chick terms is the highest compliment

    Votes: 3 60.0%
  • Meh, I'm more of a Super Sexy Chicken Lady/Man

    Votes: 2 40.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


6 Years
Apr 7, 2014
Red Bluff, CA
Been following for a while now, in anticipation of owning my own. That day has come. We have six chicks (3 wks old now). Two RIR, two White Rock, and two Hard Rock. We've named them and renamed them so when they've held the name for more than a week then we'll share that bit of info. How did you find out about I found you thru other google searches... your site has been tagged the best by a lot of other blogs/sites. What are some of your other hobbies? I garden and make yard art - my husband makes furniture of all sorts for inside and out. We have a cottage business selling our creative creations and want to offer our clients a real farm experience as well. After we have successfully raised our flock, we'll be adding a couple of goats. We also have three dogs (2 weiners and a chihuahua), two cats (one long hair Siamese and one orange short hair), 10-12 goldfish in an outdoor pond. I'm a retired county worker and now do our Sparrow's Landing farmette and country store full time.

Thank you for letting me be a part of this community. I've already learned so much and look forward to wearing my Crazy Chicken Lady label from this day forward. :)
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I love polls!:love
Welcome to Backyard chickens!

Many of us are crazy about chickens here
G’Day from down under AuntRonnie :frow Welcome and Congratulations!

I am pleased you delurked and hope you enjoy being a BYC member. There are lots of friendly and very helpful folks here so not only is it overflowing with useful information it is also a great place to make friends and have some fun.

Including your general location on your profile will assist others. Location, climate, season etc can be important factors when members are responding to any questions you may have and vice versa.

You might want to also Find Your State Thread and pop in and say hello.

BYC has Topic of the Week discussions which I have found to be a great resource, informative and sometimes entertaining; so definitely worth checking out.

If you would like to share Pictures and Stories of your flock, you have come to the right place. BYC’ers never tire of these and do not back away slowly or commence eye rolling when the photo album or home videos come out ;)

Best wishes and good luck!

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