New to the family


In the Brooder
Nov 2, 2024
Hey guys. From TN. My husband wanted a few chickens about 2 years ago so here we are now with what seems like a farm. Between heat, hawks and raccoons, we only have 1 original but many others that we have hatched or randomly bought. I love my chickens. I find it relaxing to go down to the coop when I let them out and watch, pet, feed them. Other than work, we really don't have any other hobbies. Kids no longer play sports so this has become my main hobby. They do have 2 coops and a covered run in between but most days I let them out to free range then put them back up at night. I look forward to seeing suggestions or ideas from other members.
Hello and welcome to BYC! :frow

I am so sorry for your losses, :hugs never easy on the heart. However free ranging is risky business, so other than supervised free ranging and using your protected runs, its always a possibility you will lose birds free ranging. Aerial predators are a bit tough to avoid however electric fencing can deter many ground predators.

Best wishes with your flock and welcome to ours!

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