New to this here Coop


In the Brooder
Jun 7, 2024
(1) Are you new to chickens / when did you first get chickens?
New is relative lol and we are definitely new... But, we do have some friends who have been guiding us, so we feel confident on our feet at least.

(2) How many chickens do you have right now?

We have 10. 1 Rooster (my profile pic) and his flock of 9 beautiful ladies.

(3) What breeds do you have?

We have: 2 Sapphire Gem's, 6 Olive Egger (the Roo), 2 Barred Rocks

(4) What are your favorite aspects of raising backyard chickens?

Free Fresh Eggs and composting! And my wife loves her status with her new flock. She's already carrying them around like puppies...

(5) What are some of your other hobbies?

We have an Apiary and Orchard. Basically, a low key start-up farm right on the edge of Metro Balt/DC.

(6) Tell us about your family, your other pets, your occupation, or anything else you'd like to share.

Our INDOOR zoo has a collection of 3 dogs (2 Rotti's, One German Shepard Supermutt!) 4 Cats (think the dogs are mom/aunts, dogs think they are puppies) Jake the Snake, our Ball Python, Tucker is our Crested Gecko, Jelly Bean the Blue Dumpy Frog, Elsa our Blue Budgie. We also have about a dozen unnamed Dart Frogs.
I'm pretty broken physically, so I have alot of time on my hands being home virtually 24/7 and these things give me alot to do. We provide the food to our animals from things we grow/raise here, and adding chickens to increase the same for my family was a logical next step. I also want to bring back the insects, the animals... the life to the land, even if its a small island in this midsized town. My son and wife are the only way I could accomplish this as they do most of the physical work these days, but by their faces, I can see it has become just as important and joyful to them.

(7) Bonus: How did you find BYC, how long have you known about BYC, and what made you finally join our awesome community?

When one does interwebs searches and consistently the most reliable and accurate results come from the community at BYC... well, I'd be pretty silly NOT to have that tool in my box!!
Here's some pictures!

The Three Babies
Wife and Big Momma
The Triplets (Yes, they eat dog food if the dogs don't finish. Its more monkey see, monkey do than anything lol)
My beautiful wife with Jake. Hard to believe he was only a foot long when we got him!
Ms Della. She's her own lady. She thinks the young 3 need to taught a lesson!
The wife, son and the biggest baby of the three knuckleheads... This was when we finished the main coop!
Here's some pictures!

The Three Babies
View attachment 3858303
Wife and Big Momma
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The Triplets (Yes, they eat dog food if the dogs don't finish. Its more monkey see, monkey do than anything lol)
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My beautiful wife with Jake. Hard to believe he was only a foot long when we got him!
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Ms Della. She's her own lady. She thinks the young 3 need to taught a lesson!
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The wife, son and the biggest baby of the three knuckleheads... This was when we finished the main coop!
View attachment 3858308

Wonderful photos, thanks for sharing!
Here's some pictures!

The Three Babies
View attachment 3858303
Wife and Big Momma
View attachment 3858304
The Triplets (Yes, they eat dog food if the dogs don't finish. Its more monkey see, monkey do than anything lol)
View attachment 3858305
My beautiful wife with Jake. Hard to believe he was only a foot long when we got him!
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Ms Della. She's her own lady. She thinks the young 3 need to taught a lesson!
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The wife, son and the biggest baby of the three knuckleheads... This was when we finished the main coop!
View attachment 3858308
I love your photos, ❤️ wonderful pets you keep!! 😊

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