New Year's food around the world


Quail Geek
Premium Feather Member
5 Years
May 15, 2019
Klamath County, OR
I'm curious to know what's traditional for you to eat on New Year's.

I'll start with mochi (savory, not sweet). It's traditional in Japan and I love the stuff so I break out my mochi maker and cook up the sweet rice to make it every year. I got to see it being made the traditional way when I was in Kyoto for New Year's a while back.

Something like this.

Edit: I forgot to put pictures of my own mochi!
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Cabbage for health, black eyed peas for luck, and collard greens for wealth. Then we have whatever protein we want
That was featured on Sorted Food during this last week or so. They have a fun "guess where in the world" challenge where they take a dish, have their people try it and try to figure out where it's from.

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