Newborn chick has swollen eyes (pic attached)


In the Brooder
Feb 12, 2024
I am very new to chickens, and this is my first experience with chicks. Our broody hen just hatched 2 chicks. They are only about 5 hours old. This is one of them. Her eyes look very deformed/swollen. Is this normal? Is she sick? What should I do? She can’t get around very well due to her vision. The other chicks eyes seem perfectly normal.


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We also incorporated 6 chicks from the feed store (they were probably 4/5 days old). Momma only had 2 viable eggs and we wanted her to raise more than two, hence getting more chicks. She has accepted them wonderfully. They are all seemingly healthy. No one else has swollen eyes, or any other respiratory symptoms. I hope they didn’t bring in an illness. But I wouldn’t think this chick would pick up a virus right upon birth. Like I said she is only a few hours old
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