Night temperature for fully feathered chicks


Jun 1, 2021
I know this question has been asked a million times but when searching online I find so many different answers. I just want to make sure I'm not putting my chicks at risk.

They're Cream Legbars and about 3,5 weeks. They are fully feathered and only have a little fluff left on their necks. They've been off any additional heat for a few days already. I turned off the heating plate because they slept on top of it instead of under it anyway. I want to put them outside tomorrow. Temperature indoors and outside during the day is around 70 but will drop to 53 at the lowest during night. They are 5 and will be in a temporary small coop and the smallest room in it isn't more than a foot either way so they can huddle together in there.

When I've had chicks in the past I've had them on additional heat in the beginning but won't be able to because of the way this temporary coop is made. Will they be ok or should I wait? I'd love to get them out of the house.
If they have been off heat leave them off. Adding heat when they are fully feathered is just going to make it harder for them to adjust properly and possibly overheat them. Mine have done just fine right after being weaned off of heat down to our 40F springtime temperatures.
Good to know, thanks!
Just an update in case anyone needs the information: I moved them out. It's maybe even been a tad colder than the forecast said. They've been totally fine. They haven't seemed cold at all, even during the coldest hours. It's the earliest I've had chicks come off heat (like at 3 weeks or so) and the earliest moved outside, so that makes life a little easier.
For what it's worth, I put my 1.5 week old chicks outside with some 1 week older chicks (8 chicks in total) here in North Carolina it doesn't get below 70 at night and it's HOT in the day. They also go in a cozy coop with loads of soft bedding for the nights.

They've been 100% fine. They *never* used to the brooder plate, its so damn hot here and they don't cry or chirp loudly at all.

I grasp and understand the heat thing, I really do. But your outside ambient temps really make a huge difference.

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