No head hen?


May 27, 2017
I had 4 pullets that were raised together and I got them around 12 weeks old. My BO and ISA were fighting terribly ( and it trickled to my Welsummer and speckled sussex)the ISA basically started going after anything that moved..very grabby with us and starting charging my dogs and pecking. She went back to where she came from and the remaining three calmed right down, no more pecking from the BO. These are my first pullets and I did a lot of research about behavior and care. I don't see a clear dominant hen between the three of them. They eat together
forage around the yard and sleep snuggled every night. Is it uncommon not to have a leader?
The speckled Sussex always stays out a few minutes longer outside and the buff won't settle til she is in..goes in, comes out etc til Sussex is in pen. She doesn't seem to be able to make her come in though lol
She wasn't so sweet when she was younger lol..charging and pecking everyone lol..i really think she and ISA did not like each all
i have 8 hens and no real apparent leader.. i have one black australorp that has gotten bigger and she seems to stand in the back of the girls and just watches.. everything.. so i think she has become the alpha.. but she's not pecking the others.. just seems protective.
A really good head hen does not need to peck anyone. She leads by gentle encouragement, body language and vocal commands. The others follow because the pecking order is sorted out and no one is up to challenging her.

My now departed BA that ruled broke up fights between the lower hens by simply walking over and standing there. As soon as she approached they would always stop. She was always last one on the roost and first one to get any special treat.

Watch them closely and you will see subtle to us but clear to them rules.

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