Hi Everyone!
I recently picked up a flock of 10 silkies about a week ago, and 3 of them are adorable little two week old chicks. I've never had experience raising chicks (and it's definitely not my last!). I wanted to go with a different route on the brooder set up.
I decided on raising these chickie babies without a heat lamp And so far its been great! I've been monitoring them very closely, and they're top shape!
This youtube video shows you how an off the grid brooder with no heat lamp involved can have you successfully raise chicks!
Of course it depends on where you live (weather, temperature,etc) but I thought it was safe enough to give it a try since I live in a pretty warm state. #808State
So far my chickie babies are nice, healthy and always have the option to stay warm. I also used a folgers can to keep the water inside nice and hot. This is a great method!
Has anyone tried this same method with good results?
Or maybe a similar method that you'd like to share?
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I recently picked up a flock of 10 silkies about a week ago, and 3 of them are adorable little two week old chicks. I've never had experience raising chicks (and it's definitely not my last!). I wanted to go with a different route on the brooder set up.
I decided on raising these chickie babies without a heat lamp And so far its been great! I've been monitoring them very closely, and they're top shape!
This youtube video shows you how an off the grid brooder with no heat lamp involved can have you successfully raise chicks!
So far my chickie babies are nice, healthy and always have the option to stay warm. I also used a folgers can to keep the water inside nice and hot. This is a great method!
Has anyone tried this same method with good results?
Or maybe a similar method that you'd like to share?
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