No longer to be free range how make a better coop house to protect them from predators?


In the Brooder
Jun 6, 2024
What do I do? Like šŸ¤¦ā€ā™€ļø..I found out my sister let the coop open. 1 baby chicken was gone I had like 2 baby chicks including the one lost and my baby duck. Even if it was a baby chick im that type of person who cries over animals yk?. Trying to find the chirps of my baby chick. But nothing. Then I saw my duck was bleeding on his neck. Then right after that I saw a cat on the streets which explains everythingā€¦ The biggest problem is that I canā€™t let any more of my chickens to be killed. Since theyā€™re like free-range (mind you is my older hens and ducks seperate coops. One for my olders one and one for the younger chicks and duck.) but this cat is always that cat it has been 4 years! it keeps going every summer coming in front the house sometimes I dont know but this cat its the responsible of the death of my chicks and ducks etc. Plus that cat is the neighbors because I did saw them but I canā€™t do nothing about it. Basically this is also my fault for letting my hens and ducks be free range but since my father helps with building the coop I didnā€™t know how and what do.. I dont know how build one but I should give it a try. I do got the materials for whatever im going build tho.

How can I built a coop better for my chicks, and ducks?
What do I do? Like šŸ¤¦ā€ā™€ļø..I found out my sister let the coop open. 1 baby chicken was gone I had like 2 baby chicks including the one lost and my baby duck. Even if it was a baby chick im that type of person who cries over animals yk?. Trying to find the chirps of my baby chick. But nothing. Then I saw my duck was bleeding on his neck. Then right after that I saw a cat on the streets which explains everythingā€¦ The biggest problem is that I canā€™t let any more of my chickens to be killed. Since theyā€™re like free-range (mind you is my older hens and ducks seperate coops. One for my olders one and one for the younger chicks and duck.) but this cat is always that cat it has been 4 years! it keeps going every summer coming in front the house sometimes I dont know but this cat its the responsible of the death of my chicks and ducks etc. Plus that cat is the neighbors because I did saw them but I canā€™t do nothing about it. Basically this is also my fault for letting my hens and ducks be free range but since my father helps with building the coop I didnā€™t know how and what do.. I dont know how build one but I should give it a try. I do got the materials for whatever im going build tho.

How can I built a coop better for my chicks, and ducks?
We have cats in our neighborhood also. I have chain link fencing for my coop with bird netting secured over all of the top of it to keep cats, hawks and wild birds out. That works for me. You would have to put something over the top of the coop to keep them out and not let them free range unless you are out there to watch them. Predators hear those peeps from the little ones and are attracted to it. I lost 2 baby ducks to raccoons because I let them out too early when they were still at the peeping stage. I have since waited until they stopped peeping to let them out. Good luck on whatever you decide.
Yes, to @Luv Ducks.

No amount of protection will work if a gate or door is left open. I've had the same happen.:hit

It's hard to help design a protective coop & run or a tractor with out knowing where you live & what type of weather you experience. Also, housing ducklings and chicks together, while can be done, can also be very difficult due to differences in their care taking needs (ask me how I know :lau ).

And yes, our cats grew up with our chickens. But the newest littles often attract them...




18feb24_102403.jpg 18feb24_102430.jpg

The property shown in last 3 photos is where we still live. More than half the property is heavily forested. We often have feral cats or hungry "neighbor" cats show up. I've also had domestic dogs jump over poultry netting. So... yes, it helps to fully know your situation.

And -


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