- Apr 5, 2020
- 47
- 70
- 104
Hello again!
So today I am looking for advice on how to proceed with 2 Embden goose eggs that are still in lockdown in our hatcher (old small incubator). There were 3 eggs that made it to lockdown.
Day 26: Candled all three eggs and seen movement in all of them. Egg #2 was internally pipped already with the beak almost tapping the inside of the shell?
Day 27: Egg #1 has an external pip. Egg #2 can be seen wiggling throughout the day.
Day 28: No progress in egg #1. Egg #2 still wiggling but less often.
Day 29: Egg #1 has a bigger hole and is starting to unzip in the morning and hatched in the afternoon. Didn't notice any wiggling from egg #2.
Day 30: Gosling making slow progress in the incubator. Since no pips on the other eggs and gosling was dry, we moved it to a brooder. Candled the remaining 2 eggs and both have movement. Egg #2 is still internally pipped and the beak is still moving back and forth but not touching the shell?
Day 31: Today there is still no progress in the remaining 2 eggs?
The gosling was very shaky after hatching, which I thought was unusual. Left it in there for 30 hours to try and stimulate the other eggs to hatch. It didn't move around much until you moved the styrofoam cover to check on it. Something tells me it's delayed. The shaking is very quick, not a cold trembling but more a neurological thing. Head is very shaky. Seems normal otherwise and is chirping loudly and quickly responds when the styrofoam cover is moved.
When we moved the gosling to the brooder, it was having trouble standing. Looked kind of like splayed leg, its legs were going out to the side. I suspect part of the issue was the paper towel that's laid over the shavings is not enough grip for it to stand with the leg issue it has. Chirping loudly. Drank water when I dipped its beak. Made good progress through the day and was standing and running by the evening. Doesn't like being alone so my father has been spending a lot of time with it. Likely not helping the loud chirping it does when left alone.
Today the gosling is standing very well and walking/running around. Head is still a little shaky and it wobbles a bit when standing, but huge improvement. Knows where the water dish is and I've seen it drink. Doesn't seem to know about the food dish even though it will follow our finger into the dish and peck. We put food on the paper towel and it eats from there, also eats from your finger. Loves being talked to or held.
Anyway, back to the eggs. Much of what I've read say geese can take anywhere from 28-35 days to hatch so I guess we just leave the eggs and wait? Some stuff I read last night said you should help with a safety hole for the one that has internally pipped, and that you shouldn't wait longer than 48 hours to add the hole? We're well beyond 48 hours now, it's near 5 days since we moved them to the hatcher.
So today I am looking for advice on how to proceed with 2 Embden goose eggs that are still in lockdown in our hatcher (old small incubator). There were 3 eggs that made it to lockdown.
Day 26: Candled all three eggs and seen movement in all of them. Egg #2 was internally pipped already with the beak almost tapping the inside of the shell?
Day 27: Egg #1 has an external pip. Egg #2 can be seen wiggling throughout the day.
Day 28: No progress in egg #1. Egg #2 still wiggling but less often.
Day 29: Egg #1 has a bigger hole and is starting to unzip in the morning and hatched in the afternoon. Didn't notice any wiggling from egg #2.
Day 30: Gosling making slow progress in the incubator. Since no pips on the other eggs and gosling was dry, we moved it to a brooder. Candled the remaining 2 eggs and both have movement. Egg #2 is still internally pipped and the beak is still moving back and forth but not touching the shell?
Day 31: Today there is still no progress in the remaining 2 eggs?
The gosling was very shaky after hatching, which I thought was unusual. Left it in there for 30 hours to try and stimulate the other eggs to hatch. It didn't move around much until you moved the styrofoam cover to check on it. Something tells me it's delayed. The shaking is very quick, not a cold trembling but more a neurological thing. Head is very shaky. Seems normal otherwise and is chirping loudly and quickly responds when the styrofoam cover is moved.
When we moved the gosling to the brooder, it was having trouble standing. Looked kind of like splayed leg, its legs were going out to the side. I suspect part of the issue was the paper towel that's laid over the shavings is not enough grip for it to stand with the leg issue it has. Chirping loudly. Drank water when I dipped its beak. Made good progress through the day and was standing and running by the evening. Doesn't like being alone so my father has been spending a lot of time with it. Likely not helping the loud chirping it does when left alone.
Today the gosling is standing very well and walking/running around. Head is still a little shaky and it wobbles a bit when standing, but huge improvement. Knows where the water dish is and I've seen it drink. Doesn't seem to know about the food dish even though it will follow our finger into the dish and peck. We put food on the paper towel and it eats from there, also eats from your finger. Loves being talked to or held.
Anyway, back to the eggs. Much of what I've read say geese can take anywhere from 28-35 days to hatch so I guess we just leave the eggs and wait? Some stuff I read last night said you should help with a safety hole for the one that has internally pipped, and that you shouldn't wait longer than 48 hours to add the hole? We're well beyond 48 hours now, it's near 5 days since we moved them to the hatcher.