In the Brooder
- Nov 7, 2024
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My random week old chick (meal maker) so I'm not sure what she is. Has a full semi hard crop. She's eating, playing, and pooping normally. Not lethargic. I gave her a few drops of warm water and veg oil and waited 20 mins then messaged her crop. She seemed to enjoy this instead of being in pain. She pooped a lot afterwards but the crop was still full. It feels like a playdoh firmness and a little gritty. I do have chick grit but have not introduced it yet - should I for her and if so how much? I have three other silkies that are 3 days old and are all healthy but much smaller than her. Since i was unaware id get a random bird instead of a similar, could the silkies diet be causing this (they need higher protein). I tried making the chick crumble even smaller with a morter and pestal incase the food was still too large and that was the problem but it was the same today. It has been two days of this that Ive noticed. I removed the food this evening and will check in the AM if it's emptied or not. They are in a room that has a mini heater on low in one corner and a brooder plate in another corner in their larger brooder (its an old baby floor play pin with puppy pads not pine shavings) The room stays around 90* degrees. If it has not decreased tomorrow, should I try apple Cider vinegar? If so, how much? If not, what should I try? Or does this not seem like an issue. I believe that she's a cream legbar but cannot be certain.
Update: This morning it was almost empty but one smal very hard spot was still there. Now I'm thinking she got curious and ate straw on her way over here. I'm going to continue to monitor and do what I'm doing along with adding acv and if that doesn't help soon I'll look into a vet. I'm in an area where vets who take chickens are....sparce.... so if that step is needed I'll have to get creative.
Update: This morning it was almost empty but one smal very hard spot was still there. Now I'm thinking she got curious and ate straw on her way over here. I'm going to continue to monitor and do what I'm doing along with adding acv and if that doesn't help soon I'll look into a vet. I'm in an area where vets who take chickens are....sparce.... so if that step is needed I'll have to get creative.
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