Not an emergency, but what is wrong with my rooster?

Mar 3, 2023
Hes had this for months, hes acting fine, and no hens have it but 2 roosters do??? What happend? It looks like his feathers on his neck are wet and got brushed. They look like hair! Idk what happend please tell me if its urgent or just some weird thing? He is 4 years old, and a welsumer x barred rock. The other one is 1 year and partridge cochin x jersey gaint but i dont have a picture of the younger one.


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Hes had this for months, hes acting fine, and no hens or my other roosters have this??? What happend? It looks like his feathers on his neck are wet and got brushed. They look like hair! Idk what happend please tell me if its urgent or just some weird thing? He is 4 years old, and a welsumer x barred rock.
What do you feed them?

He has a Pea Comb, so can't be that crossing. That cross would have a single comb.
What do you feed them?

He has a Pea Comb, so can't be that crossing. That cross would have a single comb.

I buy feed from a federated co-op near me. Hes had that feed his whole life so i didnt think that but mabye? And if hes not a welsumer x barred rock idk what he was causewe only had that rooster and the other hens were buff orpington, blqck austrolorpe, welsumer, some americauana and bareed rocks. He is barred all over except his neck so i assumed his mom was one. Idk what he is but thatsbmy guess
It looks like a molt, he could just be making new feathers. When feathers come in on the head they are thin and look like hair. (Also face feathers)

Normally my hens end up with a bald head just before the little hairs come in and become feathers

That said, I agree with the idea his protein may be too low. When making new feathers they need more protein.

If your local stores have little variety (mine are terrible), chick food is higher protein than layer feed and has little calcium

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