Not sure of gender or breed


In the Brooder
Jan 9, 2024
This chicken was sold to me as a "juvenile hen" about a month ago. Since then I've noticed it demonstrating some unique behavior. It runs around with it's head high in the air, flaps it's wings and nips at the other chickens. It seems to be fixated on the youngest pullet at the bottom of the pecking order, following her and bullying her. It is extremely vocal, but the noises it makes are more "ba-GAWK" than a rooster crow. Very skittish around people. I'm starting to wonder if it could be a cockerel. Thanks in advance!
I think I'm seeing some saddle feathers. Did they give you an age, or only just a broad estimate?
No specifics on the age, just "juvenile." It's almost the size of my full grown hens, but "taller" because of the way it keeps it's head in the air. Definitely not the alpha in the flock at this point, though.
Easter Egger cockerel. The reason he is running around and nipping the females is because he has hormones surging through him and he wants to mate. Males will grab the female's neck by their beak, so that is why you will see cockerels practice preparing to breed by nipping the pullet's neck.
Easter Egger cockerel. The reason he is running around and nipping the females is because he has hormones surging through him and he wants to mate. Males will grab the female's neck by their beak, so that is why you will see cockerels practice preparing to breed by nipping the pullet's neck.
At what age do cockerels usually start to crow?

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