Noticed odd eye color in my silkie chick—could it be Ocular Marek’s disease?


In the Brooder
Dec 18, 2024
Hello all, it’s my first time posting on here! I’m relatively new to keeping backyard chickens, and right now I have two five-week old silkie chicks. I noticed that my white silkie, Spark, has odd coloring in both of her (or his) eyes. The other chick in the brooder has ‘normal’ eyes. I’m wondering if Spark has segmented heterochromia, or Ocular marek’s disease or maybe something else entirely. If the general opinion is that it’s Marek’s, should I vaccinate the rest of my flock (I have not introduced the chicks to my other eleven week old Buff Orpington pullets) just in case? Also, not sure if this is relevant, but Spark has a lot of energy and is always knocking over trays of food, distress calling if temp is slightly off or food level is low (while the other chicks are content), and is just generally pretty chaotic. She’s good with being handled, though. I attached some pictures of her eyes, any advice would be appreciated!! :)
I’m relatively new to keeping backyard chickens, and right now I have two five-week old silkie chicks. I noticed that my white silkie, Spark, has odd coloring in both of her (or his) eyes. The other chick in the brooder has ‘normal’ eyes. I’m wondering if Spark has segmented heterochromia, or Ocular marek’s disease or maybe something else entirely.
Hello and welcome to BYC! :frow

Most (or many) chicks/animals are born with light grey eyes that change to their normal color with maturity.. similar to how their down changes color.. in my experience. *Maybe* you're just seeing that as it takes place??

Here's a link to another thread that discusses it..
My chicken has diarrhea, a flopped over comb that has tiny white spots, is lethargic, and eating very little. 😔 What could be wrong???
I'm sorry your chicken is sick. I would recommend you create your own thread under the "Emergencies" forum so the experts on BYC can assist you. Provide pictures of your chicken and of the poo.

Posting this under someone else's thread may cause people to miss it.
Hello and welcome to BYC! :frow

Most (or many) chicks/animals are born with light grey eyes that change to their normal color with maturity.. similar to how their down changes color.. in my experience. *Maybe* you're just seeing that as it takes place??

Here's a link to another thread that discusses it..
Thank you for your reply!!! I was thinking maybe it’s just natural development of her eyes, and I know that chicks’ eyes change color, but I thought it was a gradual process, not some sections changing before others. Hopefully it’s just heterochromia.
My chicken has diarrhea, a flopped over comb that has tiny white spots, is lethargic, and eating very little. 😔 What could be wrong???
I hope that your chicken feels better!!! As another user recommended, it would probably be more helpful to post your own thread so that the right people can see it and get your friend the help they need!! Best of luck and well wishes🙏
I have two five-week old silkie chicks.

I’m wondering if Spark has segmented heterochromia, or Ocular marek’s disease or maybe something else entirely.

Thank you for your reply!!! I was thinking maybe it’s just natural development of her eyes, and I know that chicks’ eyes change color, but I thought it was a gradual process, not some sections changing before others. Hopefully it’s just heterochromia.
Welcome To BYC

I don't think it's Marek's disease; she's only 5 weeks of age.
I think you may be correct that it's Heterochromia.
It would be interesting to see if the color does change over time though, so you may want to take photos of her eyes every few weeks.
Color change does happen - I've had Barred Plymouth Rocks with Blue or Green eyes, and they slowly turn to a Reddish Bay as the birds mature, it's pretty neat.

Sounds like she's doing great, eating/drinking active. She sure it cute.
I hope that your chicken feels better!!! As another user recommended, it would probably be more helpful to post your own thread so that the right people can see it and get your friend the help they need!! Best of luck and well wishes🙏
Sorry, new here. Thanks for your input. How do I remove the post?

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